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教程:Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015中的多点触控编辑

Premiere Pro CC has harnessed the power of multitouch gestures for a variety of editing functions. Let's look at some of the ways you can be a more efficient editor with multitouch.

Most of the Adobe Creative Cloud applications have offered some sort of multitouch input for several versions, but a few weeks ago Adobe took these capabilities to the next level. 缩放, multi-finger scrolling and multi-finger rotation have been featured in Photoshop, Premiere Pro, 和After Effects, 但随着平板电脑的日益普及, Adobe has added more advanced features that are exclusive to touch input devices.

视频编辑是一个独特的品种. They usually have very particular tastes when it comes to input and interaction methods. Some prefer a trackball mouse; some prefer large trackpads. Others swear by a good mouse; others can seemingly use Jedi mind tricks by editing almost exclusively by keyboard shortcut.

年前, I developed my own unique editing input style by simultaneously using a trackpad and mouse along with occasional keyboard use. 这在一定程度上是出于需要. 当时, I was confined to a small desk and didn’t have the real estate to move my mouse very far. I primarily used the trackpad to whip the cursor quickly around the screen while using the mouse buttons and scroll wheel for more delicate work.

通过这种混合输入技术, I came to appreciate the multitouch gestures that Apple included in their OS and later how they were incorporated into the Adobe applications that I used on a daily basis. I’m currently in the midst of a major home remodel, so I’m without a desk. My day-to-day editing is done on my 15" MacBook Pro with the built-in trackpad and keyboard as my only input. 再一次,我不得不适应这种新方法.

幸运的是, Premiere Pro has already harnessed the power of multitouch gestures so that my work is still very efficient despite the limitations of my equipment. Let’s look at some of the ways you can be a more efficient editor with multitouch.

Premiere Pro UI中的基本触摸功能

Let’s start with the Source Monitor that is usually at the upper-left corner of the Premiere Pro interface. A two-finger pinch gesture can zoom in and out of the loaded footage. A two-finger swiping gesture will scrub through the footage forwards and backwards. 这比执行这些操作的典型方式要快. The former requires clicking on the zoom box and selecting a specific zoom level. The latter allows you to scrub at any speed with having to click directly on the playhead (下面的图1).

图1. 使用触摸功能在Premiere Pro源监视器. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

缩放功能可以在指针位于图像区域上方的任何时候工作. 如果指针在擦洗条上方, it will zoom in or out for moving the playhead in greater or less detail. The two-finger scrub works when the pointer is over either the image area or the play head area.

Moving down to the project window, you’ll find multitouch is most useful in Icon 视图. 我一般更喜欢列表视图, except when I’m having a hard time finding specific shots among a lot of footage. When the pinch action is used in Icon 视图, the thumbnails will become larger or smaller. Scrubbing specific clips can be done simply by dragging the pointer over any clip’s thumbnail.

Finally, the timeline shares most of the same features as the source monitor. Two-finger dragging can be used to scrub quickly without having to precisely select the playhead. Pinching can be used to zoom in and out of the play head 视图 area and to resize the image in the program monitor.


虽然这些功能非常有用, the newer touch gestures included in the latest updates to Adobe’s CC video applications are especially useful on devices such as Microsoft’s Surface tablet or Apple force touch trackpads.

回到图标视图中的垃圾箱, 使用这些先进的输入设备,你会发现新的组织方式, 视图, 利用你的剪辑. 在箱子里擦洗一个片段将会出现播放/暂停, 一步正向/反向, 并直接在图像上标记入/出按钮. You can quickly access these controls without keyboard shortcuts or navigating through a menu.

When dragging a clip to the Program Monitor for insertion into your timeline, 许多选项出现在显示屏的不同位置. 您可以轻松地在之前或之后插入夹子, 是否将其覆盖在不同的图层上, 替换或覆盖或直接在播放头插入(下面的图2).

图2. 基于触摸的剪辑插入选项的Premiere Pro CC 2015. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

All of these shortcuts make working with touch-only devices and inputs much more efficient, 学习它们可以提高你的工作效率.